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The Traditional Clinic for Alternative Natural Healthcare






The Traditional Clinic for Alternative Healing by a Traditional Healer, Rick Simpson



Discover the Difference Nature Makes

Discover the difference Nature makes.
Nature is a powerful force that has inspired humans for centuries. It has a profound
effect on our senses and can be a source of inspiration for artists and scientists
alike. For Traditional Healers who use indigenous herbs to heal, nature is the source
of that inspiration.
Herbalists, Shamen, Sangomas and Traditional Healers have been using the healing
power of nature for centuries. They have learned how to use the plants and herbs
that grow in their environment to heal their patients. They understand the power of
nature and how it can be harnessed to heal the Body, Mind and Spirit.


Sustainability is the ability to maintain or support a process over time. It is often broken into three
core concepts: economic, environmental, and social. Sustainability is a social goal about the ability of
people to co-exist on Earth over a long time. It is usually understood as a form of intergenerational
ethics that accommodates the economic, social, and environmental needs of current and future
In other words, sustainability is about meeting the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It involves finding ways to use resources in a
way that does not deplete them and that ensures their availability for future generations.
Sustainability also involves finding ways to balance economic growth with environmental protection
and social responsibility. At the Traditional Clinic we aim to be 100% Sustainable.

Never Tested 
on Animals

There are several advantages of not testing herbs on animals. One argument against animal testing
is that there are often more acceptable alternatives. For example, scientists can test whether
chemicals will irritate the eyes using the blood vessel-rich membrane lining a hen’s egg, rather than
exposing the eyes of living animals to the chemical. Animal tests do not reliably predict results in
human beings. 94% of drugs that pass animal tests fail in human clinical trials. Herbal approaches
have been developed for the management of almost all conditions that currently challenge
conventional veterinary medicine. We aim to seek out and provide products that have not been
tested on animals.

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